July 25, 2018 • Smart Resources
Getting Smarter with Carolyn Troiano

At Smart Resources, we aren’t just a big group of IT consultants or tech minds. We’re a family. Our team is not only one of the most skilled in the country, but also one of the most interesting. Each month, we feature a conversation with one of our great consultants so that you can get to know us better. This month, say hello to Senior Program Manager, Carolyn Troiano.
Name: Carolyn Troiano
Position: Senior Program Manager at VHDA
Years with Smart Resources: 1
Professional Background in one sentence: Jacklyn-of-Many-Trades
Describe your typical day.
I’m up early, and after 20 years of living in VA, I still don’t understand the drivers in Richmond. I’m from NY where drivers are predictable. You know they’re out to push everyone off the road. Once I’m at work, it’s either meetings or lots of project work. I typically eat at my desk, leave at a decent hour, and go home to my husband, son, two dogs, a kitten, and two parrots – those really big ones. We’ve thinned the herd over the years, from a high of 21 pets… Finding a place on the bed at night to sleep is usually my biggest challenge.
What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
Meeting lots of great people and sharing experiences. I could write a book. Oh, yeah, I am writing a book. I hope to publish it later this year, or maybe next year.
Tell us about the most memorable moment of your career.
The moment I realized that while company cultures vary, it was important to find a place where I could be myself, at least a good amount of the time. It’s very tiring trying to be a clone among the masses, which is required at some places I’ve worked… Not for very long…
What career advice do you have for someone just starting out in IT?
Learn the business. The greatest advantage in IT work, at least through my career, has been learning how many companies in many industries work. Technology is a means to an end, but without knowing the business, it’s hard to know just where you are. I like to see the impact of my work in IT on the actual business being conducted by the company.
What will be the biggest tech trend of the next 5 years?
I keep hoping for self-cleaning bathrooms, but so far, I haven’t heard Google or anyone else mention that one. I think the smart homes will take off more as younger people are buying houses. From security to appliances, there are so many opportunities to build technology into a home, and hopefully, the cost of doing so will come down over time.
Do you have a favorite software program?
I guess Word. You can write, create tables and charts. I’m pretty easy to please. I like things kept simple.
What’s your favorite thing to do in the Richmond area?
Any type of event related to dogs, particularly if my 5-year-old Rottweiler, Goliath, is performing. He knows over 500 everyday items by name and can retrieve every one of them on command. He never forgets, even after months of not seeing some. Of course, my husband trained him. He won’t even sit for me. He has an amazing memory and I wish I could say the same for myself. He even distinguishes colors, picking out the right one out of five golf balls that are each a different color. He’s amazing, and you can google “Goliath is a smart dog” and find his YouTube videos and information. He has his own Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. My social media is limited to Linkedin. I’m such a nerd compared to him.
Describe your favorite meal.
Fruit. I always wonder why someone will rave about a great dessert, saying “it tastes just like real (fill in the fruit)! Why don’t they just eat the fruit? Again, I’m easy to please. I keep it simple with fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, yogurt, etc. I don’t care for meat, poultry, or fish, but I don’t like being called a “vegetarian.” It sounds so militant…
What’s your favorite song?
I guess I’d have to go with “Endless Love,” as that was our wedding song, 25 years ago next month. I also like “Nessun Dorma,” especially when Pavarotti sings it, or at least he used to…
Do you have a hidden talent?
I like to write satirical and farcical pieces. I also write poetry and have an anthology out on Amazon. It’s not a big seller, but I like having it out there. It’s a collection of poems written about people in my life over a 20-year span, all in attempt to tell them how important they are, or were, in my life while I still could.
What’s your favorite thing to drink in the morning?
Flavored coffee. I’m not really particular and keep a large variety on hand.
The best movie you’ve ever seen is:
That’s a tough one. “Office Space” is definitely up there. I like the classic old movies best, preferably something with Cary Grant, Carole Lombard, Irene Dunne, Myrna Loy, William Powell, the list goes on and on… I’m not crazy about many “newer” actors, meaning if you were born later than 1960…
What’s your most prized possession?
A doll my grandmother gave me when I was 2 years old. I’ve remade and repaired her many times through the years. Last year I finally repaired her nose. It was eaten by one of our ferrets. We had 6 at the time. Luckily, I also sew, which I learned to do when I was five. It comes in handy.
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