October 31, 2016 • Henry Thedieck
How Cloud Computing Services Matter to Your Infrastructure and Data Usage

Being an early adopter for any new technology puts trust in the unknown. For every organization congratulating themselves on seeing the potential of big data analytics, there are groups kicking themselves for being too gung-ho about Google Glass. However, there is a point when technology becomes an inevitable choice, and prolonged delay impedes success. Cloud computing services are at that point.
Unfortunately, holdouts still exist in the public and private sector. Right now, only 35% of public sector organizations have implemented cloud computing services into their IT strategy. Even those businesses that have adopted the cloud, some are not using the full extent of the solutions available. Here is how cloud based infrastructure and databases impact your organization.
Lowered Costs
On premises servers and databases are a costly upfront expense. Purchasing or renting the servers, racks, and space to house has the potential to cost thousands of dollars. Additionally, the labor that goes into installing new machines and replacing obsolete hardware pulls technical talent away from other critical projects.
Cloud computing services decrease overall infrastructure related costs. Public cloud servers like AWS or Microsoft Azure handle the cost of the hardware, updates, and maintenance. That way, organizations never have to deal with the accelerating rate at which IT hardware becomes obsolete.
For businesses needing the uptime and security of a Tier 4 data center, there are options on the market (for those who know where to look).
More Scalable Solutions
Technology needs to expand and contract in ways that are hard to predict. Rather than buying more or less server space than necessary, cloud computing services allow them the right amount of infrastructure at any given moment. Many cloud based solutions are increasingly pay-for-what-you-use, eliminating wasted spending on hardware that is going unused.
Additionally, if your business needs to consolidate resources, there is never a need to sell off IT assets for a depreciated price. An organization simply changes the contract with the cloud computing services provider and continues operating as usual (albeit a little lighter).
Data Is More Easily Pooled
One of the greatest obstacles to data analytics comes down to the way businesses have departmentalized over the years. Each department tends to have its own silo of data, making cross-comparisons or integrations complicated. Yet moving data to the cloud has the potential to add new dimensions to big data analysis.
Take, for example, Lulu’s Local Foods. Smart Resources migrated the Lulu’s ecommerce site along with their data sets on to a cloud based platform, which eliminates barriers and increases predictive power while still providing a high level of security and functionality. The data is accessible anywhere, the storage capacity is expansive, and there is never an issue of compatibility between databases. The healthcare, finance, and government sectors all have incredible strides to gain through the power of top-tier cloud computing services.
Exploring the Right Cloud Computing Services
The full range of cloud computing services requires knowledge and expertise to navigate. Does your business need to make a full transition to the cloud? Can you get away with keeping some data on premise, creating a hybrid infrastructure? Are tools available that can enhance cloud platforms even further? All of the answers are available for organizations that can find the right consultants.
At Smart Resources, we provide our clients with access to talented professionals who help them navigate the complexity of cloud computing services. Our IT Strategy Consultants are capable of reviewing existing systems, making strategic implementations, and maintaining a healthy cloud structure into the foreseeable future. Contact us today to elevate your organization to a whole new level.
For additional information that can propel your business forward, download Your Start-to-Finish Guide to Implementing Vital Business Intelligence Strategies today.
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